Barbados Cherry (Malpighia emarginata)
Barbados cherry is also known as Acerola. This shrub originated from the Caribbean and is widely cultivated in Brazil and Vietnam. Barbados cherry is rich in vitamin A and C. The vitamin C content in Barbados cherry is 16.000 – 17.000 ppm, higher than in Citrus fruit (500 – 4.000 ppm) (Leung, 1980).
Barbados cherry’s advantages:
Barbados cherry’s benefits:
Barbados cherry’s advantages:
- High antioxidant activity.
Journal of Food Composition and Analysis (2008) mentions that the antioxidant activity in Barbados cherry juice’s is higher than in Strawberry, Grape or Apple juice. - A source of fiber, vitamin B2, folate, magnesium, potassium and copper.
The magnesium, potassium and Vitamin B5 contents in Barbados cherry are twice higher than in Citrus fruit (Dweck).
Barbados cherry’s benefits:
- Accelerates recuperation from flu.
- Improves brain health (prevent Parkinson's disease).
- Keeps skin healthy (prevents premature aging and acts as an antifungal).